WARNING:  This product contains nicotine, Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

How to Make a Disposable Vape Not Taste Burnt: A Complete Guide

18th Jan 2024 | 444 | Cyrus

Are you tired of your disposable vape pen tasting burnt? Don't worry, we've got you covered. In this article, we will walk you through some effective tips on how to make your disposable vape not taste burnt, so you can enjoy a smooth and flavorful vaping experience.

From priming the coil to managing your temperature settings, we will provide you with valuable insights to help you avoid that unpleasant burnt taste. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned vaper, these tips will ensure that your disposable vape pen delivers a satisfying hit every time.

Say goodbye to burnt flavors and hello to a more enjoyable vaping experience. Let's dive in!

Understanding Disposable Vapes

Before we delve into the specifics of avoiding a burnt taste, let's start by understanding what a disposable vape is. A disposable vape, also known as a disposable e-cigarette, is a compact, single-use vaping device that comes pre-filled with e-liquid and a built-in battery. Once the e-liquid is depleted or the battery is no longer functional, the entire device is discarded.

Difference Between Dry Hits and Burnt Hits

Dry Hits


Dry hits occur when the wick in the coil is not fully saturated with e-liquid, leading to the heating element vaporizing the remaining liquid or even burning the wick itself.


Dry hits often produce a harsh, unpleasant taste, accompanied by a significant decrease in vapor production. The flavor can be muted or altered due to the lack of proper e-liquid saturation.

Why Your Vape Tastes Burnt and How to Fix It


Insufficient e-liquid in the tank, chain vaping without allowing the wick to re-saturate, or using a high-wattage setting with a slow-flowing e-liquid can result in dry hits.

Burnt Hits


Burnt hits occur when the wicking material or coil is overheated, causing the e-liquid to burn rather than vaporize, resulting in a distinct burnt taste and potentially harmful compounds being produced.


Burnt hits produce a strong, unpleasant burnt taste accompanied by reduced vapor production. In some cases, the vapor may also appear darker due to the burnt residues.


Factors leading to burnt hits include chain vaping at high wattages, using expired or low-quality e-liquid, or insufficient priming of the coil.

Understanding the difference between dry hits and burnt hits can help vapers troubleshoot their devices more effectively and enjoy a smoother vaping experience.

What Causes a Burnt Taste in Disposable Vapes?

A burnt taste is a common issue that vapers experience when using disposable vapes. It occurs when the heating element, also known as the coil, becomes overheated or when the wicking material fails to absorb enough e-liquid. Here are some common causes of a burnt taste in disposable vapes:

Chain Vaping: Continuous vaping without allowing sufficient time for the wick to re-saturate with e-liquid can lead to dry hits and a burnt taste.

Low E-Liquid Level: Vaping with a low e-liquid level can cause the wick to burn, resulting in an unpleasant taste.

High Wattage: Using a disposable vape at a wattage higher than recommended by the manufacturer can lead to overheating and a burnt taste.

Why Does My Disposable Vape Taste Burnt? Learn How to Fix it – Eightvape

Low Battery Voltage: When the battery voltage is low, the coil may not receive enough power to vaporize the e-liquid efficiently, leading to a burnt taste.

Expired E-Liquid: Using expired or old e-liquid can affect the flavor and result in a burnt taste.

Steps to Fix a Disposable Vape with a Burnt Taste

If you're experiencing a burnt taste from your disposable vape, there are a few steps you can take to fix the issue and restore a pleasant vaping experience. Follow these steps:

Allow the Wick to Re-Saturate: If you've been chain vaping, it's crucial to give the wick enough time to re-saturate with e-liquid. Take a break and let the device rest for a few minutes before vaping again.

Refill the E-Liquid: If your disposable vape has a refillable pod, check if the e-liquid level is low. Refill it with fresh e-liquid to ensure proper wicking and prevent dry hits.

Reduce the Wattage: If your disposable vape has adjustable wattage settings, lower the wattage to prevent the coil from overheating and producing a burnt taste.

Replace the Disposable Vape: If none of the above step’s work and you continue to experience a burnt taste, it may be time to replace the disposable vape with a new one.

How to Fix Any Disposable Vape That Isn't Working - Vaping360

Ways to Avoid a Burnt Taste in Disposable Vapes

Prevention is always better than a cure, and the same holds true for avoiding a burnt taste in disposable vapes. By following these simple tips, you can ensure a smooth and enjoyable vaping experience without any unpleasant burnt taste:

Prime the Coil: Before using a new disposable vape, it's essential to prime the coil by saturating the wick with e-liquid. Simply add a few drops of e-liquid onto the exposed cotton wick and let it sit for a few minutes before vaping.

Avoid Chain Vaping: Give your disposable vape enough time to re-saturate with e-liquid between puffs. This will prevent the wick from drying out and minimize the risk of a burnt taste.

Monitor E-Liquid Levels: Regularly check the e-liquid level in your disposable vape and refill it before it runs dry. Vaping with a low e-liquid level can lead to dry hits and a burnt taste.

Follow Manufacturer's Recommendations: Pay attention to the recommended wattage and usage instructions provided by the manufacturer. Using your disposable vape within the recommended parameters will help avoid overheating and burnt tastes.

Store E-Liquid Properly: Make sure to store your e-liquid in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Exposure to heat and sunlight can degrade the e-liquid, affecting its flavor and potentially causing a burnt taste.

Vape Tastes Burnt? How to Fix It | Vape, Tasting, Fix it

Selecting the Right Disposable Vape

Choosing the right disposable vape can significantly impact your overall vaping experience. Here are a few factors to consider when selecting a disposable vape:

Battery Capacity: Look for a disposable vape with a battery capacity that suits your vaping needs. Higher battery capacity ensures longer vaping sessions before needing a replacement.

E-Liquid Flavor Options: Consider the range of e-liquid flavors available for the disposable vape. Choose a flavor that appeals to you and enhances your vaping experience.

Nicotine Strength: If you're using a disposable vape as a nicotine replacement, select a device with the appropriate nicotine strength to satisfy your cravings.

Build Quality: Pay attention to the build quality of the disposable vape. A well-constructed device will offer better performance and a longer lifespan.

Increasing the Lifespan of a Disposable Vape

While disposable vapes are designed for single-use, there are a few steps you can take to maximize their lifespan and get the most out of each device:

Avoid Overcharging: Do not leave your disposable vape connected to the charging cable for an extended period. Overcharging can damage the battery and reduce its lifespan.

Proper Disposal: When it's time to dispose of your disposable vape, make sure to follow the proper recycling guidelines in your area. Improper disposal can harm the environment.

Disposable Vapes – Royalty Vape Distribution

Keep it Clean: Regularly clean the exterior of your disposable vape to remove any dirt or residue. A clean device not only looks better but also functions optimally.

Store in a Cool Place: If you have spare disposable vapes, store them in a cool place away from direct sunlight. This will help preserve the quality of the e-liquid and prevent degradation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About How to Make a Disposable Vape Not Taste Burnt

Can I refill a disposable vape to avoid a burnt taste?

No, disposable vapes are designed for single use and are not intended to be refilled. Attempting to refill a disposable vape may result in leakage, damage to the device, and an increased risk of a burnt taste.

How long does a disposable vape last before it tastes burnt?

The lifespan of a disposable vape depends on several factors, including the battery capacity, e-liquid consumption, and vaping habits. On average, a disposable vape can last anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks before the e-liquid is depleted or the battery dies.

Can I adjust the wattage on a disposable vape?

While some disposable vapes offer adjustable wattage settings, the majority are designed to operate at a fixed wattage. It's important to check the manufacturer's specifications to determine if your disposable vape allows wattage adjustments.


The UPENDS UPOX is a compact and convenient pod system designed for new vapers and individuals transitioning from traditional smoking. Here's a brief overview of the key features and specifications based on the provided search results:

Design and Features

The UPOX pod system is small, making it easily portable and pocket-friendly.

It specializes in mouth-to-lung (MTL) vaping, offering a satisfying throat hit and efficient nicotine delivery.

The device features the Etchip 2.0 Flavor Master coil for excellent flavor and heating efficiency.

It is dustproof and fabric fiber-proof, ensuring longevity and durability.


  • Size: 10.6mm X 21mm X 99.15mm
  • Battery: 400mAh
  • Average Output: 10.2 W
  • Capacity: 2.0ml
  • Resistance: 1.2Ω
  • Weight: 22.0±0.5g
  • Universal type C port for convenient charging

Usage and Refilling

The UPOX pod is easy to refill, and users can utilize their favorite e-liquids by simply opening the side silicone stopper.

The specially-selected cotton used for the UPOX coil aims to provide a pure taste and optimal liquid absorption.